What is LED Lighting?
LED stands for Light Emitting Diode and is an electronic light source. Most lighting found in Australian homes and offices today are very inefficient costing homeowners A lot of money as well as emitting vast amount of CO2 into our atmosphere killing our environment.
LED lighting is a viable replacement for existing household and office lighting, just much cheaper and better for our environment. As premium electricians in Perth, Megalite can provide an electrical efficiency report and point out areas where money can be saved.
LED Lighting Colours
LED Lighting can come in many different colours, the most common of these in household usage lights are Warm White, White and Cool White. The standard for many houses especially in Australia is Warm White.
So Why all the Hype About LED?
LED lighting is a huge leap in technology which is going to benefit both our environment as well as your spending for household lighting.
When it comes to Downlights, Megalite only Install LED’s these days unless requested otherwise, below are some benefits:
- LED lights last up to 30 times longer than a standard Halogen light globe. At 30,000 hours you only need to change the globes once every 20 years depending on usage.
- Efficiency: LEDs produce more light per watt than incandescent bulbs.
- Colour: LEDs can emit light of an intended color without the use of color filters that traditional lighting methods require. This is more efficient and can lower initial costs.
- Size: LEDs can be very small (smaller than 2 mm2) and are easily populated onto printed circuit boards.
- Cycling: LEDs are ideal for use in applications that are subject to frequent on-off cycling, unlike fluorescent lamps that burn out more quickly when cycled frequently, or HID lamps that require a long time before restarting.
- Dimming: LEDs can very easily be dimmed either by Pulse-width modulation or lowering the forward current. We use specially designed dimmers for this
- Cool light: In contrast to most light sources, LEDs radiate very little heat in the form of IR that can cause damage to sensitive objects or fabrics. Wasted energy is dispersed as heat through the base of the LED.
- Toxicity: LEDs do not contain mercury, unlike fluorescent lamps.
- Cost Saving: LED lights run on 80% less energy than standard halogen lights, and with up to 50% of a electricity bill comprising of lighting, thats a huge saving over a year.
LED lighting is the future and will slowly be introduced to all homes and business. There are so many advantages in using LED’s and as leading electrical contractors in the Perth, we strongly recommend them.
Contact Megalite today to arrange your local Perth Electrician to provide you with an energy report of your property, we can then also provide a free no obligation quote on installing LED lighting.